South Dade Middle School is a high performing educational setting serving the communities of southern Miami-Dade County. South Dade Middle has Magnet Program options and choice academies as we focus on developing students in areas of their interest. Our Advanced Academic Academy accelerates students scholastically. Students in this academy can earn high school and college credits during their 7th and 8th grade years. For those students interested in the medical field, our Medical Magnet Program prepares students for a career in the health care industry.
South Dade Middle offers an Information Technology Academy geared towards building students’ capacity in Microsoft software applications. In addition, our school strongly values the arts, as such, students that are interested can choose from a variety of classes in the areas Visual Arts, Drama, Dance, and Music. We also offer a comprehensive sports program for both boys and girls.
One of our missions at South Dade Middle is to create future leaders in businesses, organizations, and our community. Thus, we focus on developing habits and traits that lead to highly effective individuals. Additionally, we pride ourselves on offering an engaging curriculum in an environment that promotes values of honesty, integrity, respect and kindness.